Step2: 人群代理的编写



global {
    int nb_people <- 100;
    graph the_graph;
    init {
    create people number: nb_people {
        location <- any_location_in (one_of (residential_buildings));

species people {
    rgb color <- #yellow ;
    aspect base {
    draw circle(10) color: color border: #black;

experiment road_traffic type: gui {
    output {
    display city_display type:opengl {
        species people aspect: base ;



species people skills: [moving]{
    rgb color <- #yellow ;
    building living_place <- nil ;
    building working_place <- nil ;
    int start_work ;
    int end_work  ;
    string objective ; 
    point the_target <- nil ;

skills: skills是GAMA为仿真模型预设的行为模块,每个skill都包含了相应的属性和行为动作,以moving为例,moving包含了speedheadingdestination等属性以及movegotofollowwanderwander_3D等内置行为函数,使用者可以更加方便快捷地完成复杂行为设计,而无需从零编写。更多skills相关,可查看官方文档-Attaching Skills


species people skills: [moving]{  
    reflex time_to_work when: current_date.hour = start_work and objective = "resting" {
        the_target <- any_location_in (working_place);
        objective <- "working" ;
    reflex time_to_go_home when: current_date.hour = end_work and objective = "working" {
        the_target <- any_location_in (living_place); 
        objective <- "resting" ;
    reflex move when: the_target != nil {
    do goto target: the_target on: the_graph ; 
    if the_target = location {
        the_target <- nil ;

current_date : current_date是一个内置的全局变量,调用current_date系统会根据step的值返回当前时间,current_date.hour即返回当前的小时数。 do goto target: ... on: ... : goto是skill moving的内置函数,代理将会沿着关键字on所设置的图形以最短路径前往目的地。这里the_graph是一个全局变量,我们会在初始化时为它赋值,详见下一小节。



global {
    int min_work_start <- 6;
    int max_work_start <- 8;
    int min_work_end <- 16; 
    int max_work_end <- 20; 
    float min_speed <- 1.0 #km / #h;
    float max_speed <- 5.0 #km / #h; 
    graph the_graph;
    init {
    the_graph <- as_edge_graph(road);
    list<building> residential_buildings <- building where (each.type="Residential");
    list<building> industrial_buildings <- building  where (each.type="Industrial") ;
    create people number: nb_people {
        speed <- rnd(min_speed, max_speed);
        start_work <- rnd (min_work_start, max_work_start);
        end_work <- rnd(min_work_end, max_work_end);
        living_place <- one_of(residential_buildings) ;
        working_place <- one_of(industrial_buildings) ;
        objective <- "resting";
        location <- any_location_in (living_place); 

as_edge_graph(...) : 通过给定的边的列表,创建一个由边组成的网状图形,更多使用方式,详见官方文档



experiment road_traffic type: gui {
    parameter "Earliest hour to start work" var: min_work_start category: "People" min: 2 max: 8;
    parameter "Latest hour to start work" var: max_work_start category: "People" min: 8 max: 12;
    parameter "Earliest hour to end work" var: min_work_end category: "People" min: 12 max: 16;
    parameter "Latest hour to end work" var: max_work_end category: "People" min: 16 max: 23;
    parameter "minimal speed" var: min_speed category: "People" min: 0.1 #km/#h ;
    parameter "maximal speed" var: max_speed category: "People" max: 10 #km/#h;
    output {
    display city_display type: opengl {
        species people aspect: base ;


model tutorial_gis_city_traffic

global {
    float step <- 10 #mn;
    file shape_file_buildings <- file("../includes/building.shp");
    file shape_file_roads <- file("../includes/road.shp");
    file shape_file_bounds <- file("../includes/bounds.shp");
    geometry shape <- envelope(shape_file_bounds); 
    int nb_people <- 100;
    int min_work_start <- 6;
    int max_work_start <- 8;
    int min_work_end <- 16; 
    int max_work_end <- 20; 
    float min_speed <- 1.0 #km / #h;
    float max_speed <- 5.0 #km / #h; 
    graph the_graph;
    init {
        create building from: shape_file_buildings with: [type::read ("NATURE")] {
            if type="Industrial" {
                color <- #blue ;
        create road from: shape_file_roads ;
    the_graph <- as_edge_graph(road);
    list<building> residential_buildings <- building where (each.type="Residential");
    list<building> industrial_buildings <- building  where (each.type="Industrial") ;
    create people number: nb_people {
        speed <- rnd(min_speed, max_speed);
        start_work <- rnd (min_work_start, max_work_start);
        end_work <- rnd(min_work_end, max_work_end);
        living_place <- one_of(residential_buildings) ;
        working_place <- one_of(industrial_buildings) ;
        objective <- "resting";
        location <- any_location_in (living_place); 
species building {
    string type; 
    rgb color <- #gray  ;
    aspect base {
    draw shape color: color ;
species road  {
    rgb color <- #black ;
    aspect base {
    draw shape color: color ;
species people skills: [moving]{
    rgb color <- #yellow ;
    building living_place <- nil ;
    building working_place <- nil ;
    int start_work ;
    int end_work  ;
    string objective ; 
    point the_target <- nil ;
    reflex time_to_work when: current_date.hour = start_work and objective = "resting" {
        the_target <- any_location_in (working_place);
        objective <- "working" ;
    reflex time_to_go_home when: current_date.hour = end_work and objective = "working" {
        the_target <- any_location_in (living_place); 
        objective <- "resting" ;
    reflex move when: the_target != nil {
    do goto target: the_target on: the_graph ; 
    if the_target = location {
        the_target <- nil ;
    aspect base {
    draw circle(10) color: color border: #black;
experiment road_traffic type: gui {
    parameter "Shapefile for the buildings:" var: shape_file_buildings category: "GIS" ;
    parameter "Shapefile for the roads:" var: shape_file_roads category: "GIS" ;
    parameter "Shapefile for the bounds:" var: shape_file_bounds category: "GIS" ;
    parameter "Earliest hour to start work" var: min_work_start category: "People" min: 2 max: 8;
    parameter "Latest hour to start work" var: max_work_start category: "People" min: 8 max: 12;
    parameter "Earliest hour to end work" var: min_work_end category: "People" min: 12 max: 16;
    parameter "Latest hour to end work" var: max_work_end category: "People" min: 16 max: 23;
    parameter "minimal speed" var: min_speed category: "People" min: 0.1 #km/#h ;
    parameter "maximal speed" var: max_speed category: "People" max: 10 #km/#h;
    output {
    display city_display type:opengl {
        species building aspect: base ;
        species road aspect: base ;
        species people aspect: base ;

Last updated

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